Based in New York, NY, Aaron Dentel-Post is a freelance reporter. His work has covered local news, investigative stories,
as well as business and the arts.

5-Hour Energy Takes Lawsuit Against On Go Energy Shot to Federal Court

5-Hour Energy Takes Lawsuit Against On Go Energy Shot to Federal Court

Innovation Ventures LLC, the makers of 5-Hour Energy, are claiming $90,000 in damages over stolen trade secrets in a U.S. District Court lawsuit against Aspen Fitness Inc., which makes On Go Energy Shot, according to an article on

Reinvigorating the claims of a 2008 lawsuit that was dismissed by the Oakland County Circuit Court, the suit claims that Kevin Zwierzchowski, formerly Innovation Ventures’ controller and operations manager, took trade secret formulas along with a customer and vendor list when he was terminated from the company. According to Innovation Ventures, Zwierzchowski then shared them with Derrick George, the president and CEO of Aspen Fitness, when he was hired by George and received between $1,000 and $2,000 in consultation fees.

The lawsuit alleges misappropriation of trade secrets, copyright infringement, unfair competition, unjust enrichment, trademark infringement and violations of the federal Lanham Act.

Coke to Invest $4 Billion in China

Coke to Invest $4 Billion in China

The Company Nobody Wants to Admit they Call

The Company Nobody Wants to Admit they Call