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Are hops mak­ing a come­back in Ver­mont?

The rise of craft brew­ing in the 1980s, and its sub­se­quent ex­plo­sion, have caused re­cent short­ages of hops. Pro­fes­sor Heather Darby of the Uni­ver­sity of Ver­mont has been work­ing on bring­ing hops back to the state with co­op­er­a­tion from lo­cal brew­ers like Brian Cook of King­dom Brew­ing in New­port Cen­ter and the Ver­mont Brew­ers As­so­ci­a­tion.

News: Post Office Post-Mortem

But the Union Square property continues to incite debate, speculation and federal review – partially focused on the Ross Moffett mural located in the lobby, whether the USPS was lax in following Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the lack of outcry from public officials around the sale and claims that closure of the office has affected postal service in the city.