All tagged policy

Healthcare Conspiracy

There’s something very sick at the heart of America. Something that in 2016 cost us $10,345 per person, and got us next to nothing in return. It’s a healthcare system three times as expensive as most, and achieves a life expectancy no higher than many third world countries. It is a conspiracy of profit and predatory Capitalism, driven by Adam Smith’s invisible hand.

Outcompeting Capitalism

So, let me pose you a hypothetical question: if we instituted a federal investment scheme for employee-owned startups to make them a major part of the economy, would the resulting reduction in the supply of skilled labor available to private firms cause all salaries to rise accordingly? Maybe it’s time to introduce a new gold standard, but for salaries, in which productivity and compensation are inherently linked.

Marketers Shrug Off Proposed Oversight

Citing the increasing popularity of energy drinks and other dietary supplements, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) has introduced legislation that could require marketers to register their products with the Food and Drug Administration.

Despite the increased layer of regulation the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act would entail, energy drink manufacturers contacted by BevNET remained sanguine about the measure.